Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kale Chips With a Kick = Amazing

I'm literally obsessed with these kale chips! It took quite a few attempts to make them perfect, but now that I've got them down, I could eat them with every meal and my husband hovers around the kitchen to get them fresh out of the oven. We love them!

Kale Chips With A Kick
Prep: 10 Min
Cook: 15-20 Min
Serves: 2


1 Bundle of Kale
Olive Oil
Garlic Powder
Red Pepper Flakes

Pre-heat oven to 325
Separate kale from hard stem. Try to keep pieces as big as possible, but keep small pieces as well. Place kale in a large ziploc bag. Drizzle olive oil over kale in the bag. Seal the bag and shake it until the olive oil is evenly disbursed throughout kale. (Note: If you have an olive oil spritzer, you can skip this step and just mist the kale straight on the cookie sheet)

Dump the kale on an ungreased cookie sheet and spread into a single layer. Sprinkle remaining ingredients evenly over the kale. 

Place in pre-heated oven for 10-12 min. Until all smaller pieces are crispy and the larger pieces have crispy edges. Remove the smaller pieces and flip the larger pieces over and lay flat. 

Place back in oven for 5-7 min. Remove when large pieces are crispy. Enjoy!

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